Monday, October 21, 2013


Talking with...the Second Grade about Loyalty...

I met with the Second Grade and we spoke about the Value of the Month, Loyalty.
Many of the girls had heard of the word, but didn't quite know what it meant. We  used
words like, faithful, constant, determined, trusting, to guide the girls.
I shared the book, Poindextexter Makes a Friend, to help them further understand this
Value. They enjoyed that Poindexter made a new friend, and offered the reader four
steps to make a friend. The class discussed how helpful these four steps were and asked to take
home  a sheet with the steps written down for them. They also asked me to have a leaf design on the sheet.
The girls were given this paper on Friday. Ask your daughter about Poindexter, and also what he showed his
friend with his friendship skills. Enjoy talking with your daughter about what Loyalty means to her, and how she can portray this at school, home, and within her community.