Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Mystery of Roanoke

What does it mean?

Unfortunately, just like calorie free chocolate, the answer to the question, "What EXACTLY happened to the missing colony of Roanoke?" doesn't exist.  The good news is your daughters have to been doing research using various primary sources to try and figure out this history mystery!  Check out their findings below.  

The girls have come up with some theories based on their research and I'm sure they would love to share their thoughts with you and hear what you think really happened to John White's missing colony.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Art_Before and After

There is nothing better in art than to see how much more you can see in your own self! Fifth grade completed self-portrait drawings after a series of mini lessons emphasizing different observational skills (value, proportion, mark-making, and contour line). They compared their drawings to what they "saw" before - baseline self-portraits from earlier this fall. You, too, will see much more! Take a look!