Monday, September 26, 2016

Art_Baseline Self-Portraits

The girls drew a baseline self-portrait showing what they see in the mirror. Observation skills will be a major theme this year in 5th grade art. They will learn ways to switch to R-Mode (the right side of the brain) and develop their observational skills using different drawing strategies.  
We are off to a great start!!

Monday, September 19, 2016

What is the Most Boring Landform?


Sorry, just a little geography humor to brighten up this rainy Monday.  All horrible puns aside, the girls are hard at work thoughtfully brainstorming ideas for their History Landform Project.  Each group (collaboration opportunity, woohoo!!!) will design and create a three dimensional map that illustrates some of the landforms that we have studied in class. 

Music: Hand Clapping Game and Rhythm Review

The girls learned a complicated hand-clapping song and game from Jamaica.  They loved this challenge!

Next, they created 16 beat rhythms based on the words of various types and breeds of horses,

And played them on a drum!