Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Apps this year

Throughout the year the girls have learned a variety of tech skills using many different apps.  Below is a list of the apps that they used this year.

Ancient Greece by Kids Discover
Art Authority K-12
Art Set
Big Seed
Book Creator
BrainPop Jr.
Britannica Kids: Ancient Egypt
Cash Cow
Cat Physics
Color Uncovered
Explain Everything
Flow Free
Geography Drive USA
Google Drive
iWorld Geography Earth's Continents
Marble Math Junior
Motion Math: Wings Pro
Paris Jigsaw
Pizza Fractions 1
Squeebles Division 2
Squeebles Time Tables 2
Stack the States
Sushi Monster
Symmetry Shuffle
U.S. Geography

Monday, May 18, 2015

Maypole Dance

We are excited to let you that the 2015 Maypole Dance is available on our BMS YouTube channel. 

To view the video visit

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Our Visit to London Town

Our field trip to London Town, once a bustling tobacco port on the South River, gave the third graders a glimpse of what daily life was like for tradesmen, landowners, indentured servants, and slaves before Maryland became a state. Archaeologists have been working in London Town since 1991 to restore buildings such as the carpenter's shop and to preserve artifacts such as clay smoking pipes and pottery once used in the tavern known as the William Brown House. During the day the girls tried making rope, assumed the identities of residents known to have lived in London Town, and prepared cakes from the kernels of an ear of corn. Our field trip helped the girls see the connection between archaeology and history right here in Maryland.

Ask your daughter to tell you who she was and what part she played in the colonial life of London Town.

Having made rope, the girls listened carefully before trying to move a hundred-pound barrel using a system of ropes and pulleys.

Making a corn cake meant plucking kernels off the cob, pounding the corn into flour, and mixing the flour with lard. All the girls agreed that doing this once was fun, but that life in colonial times was hard work!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A Friendship Garden

After talking with Debra Waranch, our Lower School Counselor, about the qualities a good friend exhibits, the girls made these colorful hands. On each finger of her hand, every third grader wrote a value or behavior that a good friend practices. When a few girls completed their hands, they thought of attaching them to the whiteboard with magnets. Within a short time, the hands became flowers as all of the girls displayed their flowers and drew trees, birds, clouds, and the sun to complete their garden. What a wonderful example of creativity and spontaneous collaboration!